Institute of Venue Safety and Security 2025 Fees

with Accommodation

Member rate Non member rate
AUD$4,890 AUD$5,390

Institute of Venue Safety and Security 2025 Fees

without Accommodation 

Member rate Non member rate
AUD$3,495 AUD$3,995

IVSS Inclusions (with accommodation)

5 nights single accommodation

Check-in 24 August and check-out 29 August 2025

Breakfast, lunch, daily breaks and all dinners

Site Visits and Offsite Dinner

Guest Speaker Dinner

Graduation Ceremony and Dinner


IVSS Inclusions (without accommodation)

Lunch, daily breaks and all dinners

Site Visits and Offsite Dinner

Guest Speaker Dinner

Graduation Ceremony and Dinner

Cancellation and Substitution Policy
  1. If the VMA cancels the IVSS a 100% refund policy will apply for all student enrolment fees.
  2. If the student cancels their enrolment, prior to the commencement of IVSS, due to not being able to travel (includes both to and from) due to government mandated restrictions, including interstate travel, quarantine and border closures, a 100% refund policy will apply for all student enrolment fees.
  3. If the student cancels their enrolment for any other reason the following applies:
    1. Cancellations received more than 30 days prior to the IVSS commencement date will receive a refund less a handling fee of $150 including GST.
    2. Cancellations received less than 30 days but more than seven days prior to the IVSS commencement date will receive a refund less a fee of up to $1,700 including GST.
    3. No refunds will be given for any cancellations after this date.
    4. In cases b. and c. above, the VMA will actively negotiate with the host venue/s to minimise any costs associated with the student enrolment cancellation and only pass on those costs incurred.
  4. Cancellations must be notified in writing via email to the VMA.
  5. Enrolments are transferable to a colleague at any time prior to the IVSS provided the VMA is advised in writing.
  6. Eligible refunds will be issued after the conclusion of the IVSS.
  7. The VMA will not be liable for any other expenses, costs or losses incurred by you by reason of such cancellation, including without limitation, airfares, transfers or other accommodation.
VMA's Commitment to Students

While it is difficult to outline every possible scenario that may eventuate as a result of changes to public health orders and government mandated travel restrictions, the overriding principle of the VMA is to minimise the health and financial risk for all parties, including the student, their employer, the VMA and the host venue.

In the event that the IVSS, either through the ability of the host venue to continue to host guests, or the VMA’s ability to continue to deliver the program, or a student’s ongoing participation in the IVSS is disrupted after the commencement of the IVSS, the VMA will actively work with all parties to share the risk, negotiate the best outcome for all involved and only pass on any hard costs incurred at any applicable time.

The VMA makes a commitment to act in good faith with students, and their employers, to resolve any cancellations in line with the principles and intent of the T&C’s.

IVSS Terms and Conditions

The following sets out the terms and conditions attached to enrollment in the Institute of Venue Safety and Security.

All prices are quoted in Australian Dollars and inclusive of GST.

Behaviour: VMA reserves the right to prohibit entry of any person to a VMA event, or eject any person from a VMA event based on behaviour deemed inappropriate by VMA staff and/or its agents and others working under its authority.

Canvassing: Canvassing by attendees is strictly prohibited at VMA events. Promotional materials may not be distributed at the event except by VMA approved event sponsors and exhibitors. Attendees violating this policy will be asked to leave the event and VMA Members may have their membership revoked.

Credit card surcharges and other bank fees: For any payment made via credit card, a processing fee of 1.4% on Visa & Mastercard and 2.4% on American Express will apply. Our surcharge fees are not greater than our cost of acceptance. Any other unexpected costs incurred by VMA in the processing of payments will be charged back to the remitter. Such costs include, but are not limited to, bounced cheques fees and related bank charges.

Disclaimer: The VMA reserves the right to change activities, topics and presenters where necessary. The VMA shall not be liable for any loss caused by the cancellation of an event where such cancellation is due to Force Majeure. The term “Force Majeure” means any circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the organisers including but not limited to war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), terrorism, aircraft hijacking, military operation, riot, civil war, rebellion, civil commotion or unrest, natural disasters, Acts or Regulations of government, refusal to grant visas, explosions, transport delays, transport difficulties and the insolvency of airline carriers. The organisers will use all reasonable efforts to conduct the conference despite the intervention or occurrence of any such cause.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT): If paying via EFT, online registration needs to be completed and an invoice will be issued. EFT payment must be received and include the invoice number quoted on the remittance advice in order for the registration to be processed by VMA. Payment by EFT will not be accepted after the registration closing date. Your registration is not confirmed until you have received a receipt and confirmation email from VMA. Invoices and confirmations will be issued to the email address used in the online registration.

Image release: In registering for VMA events and conferences, attendees grant permission to VMA, its agents and others working under its authority, to take and to have full and free use of video/photographs containing their image/likeness. It is understood these images may be used for promotional, news, online/multimedia, research and/or educational purposes by and for VMA. Attendees agree that they are not entitled to remuneration, residuals, royalties or any other payment from VMA in respect of their image/likeness or its use. Attendees release, discharge, and hold harmless, VMA and its agents from any and all claims, demands or causes of actions that they may hereafter have by reason of anything contained in the photographs or video. Should a attendee not agree to the above image release, they must advise VMA by contacting +61 (0)7 5575 9185 or

Insurance: Students are strongly advised to secure appropriate travel and health insurance. Student enrolment fees do not provide any such insurance coverage. The IVSS Committee and VMA accept no responsibility for any loss in this regard.

Intellectual property:Some Instructors have kindly agreed to share their presentation slides, webcasts and other course information with students only. This content is not intended for wider distribution – according to Australia’s intellectual property laws, sharing, broadcasting and/or copying of this content, including for commercial purposes, is not permitted without the prior permission of the owner. Please be respectful of this intellectual property.

Invoices: When you complete the online registration form a tax invoice will be issued in compliance with ATO requirements. This can be used to make payment by Electronic Funds Transfer, Credit Card, or cheque and you can keep this completed form on file for your tax records.

Payment: To avoid disappointment, ensure you pay for your booking(s) before the registration closing date. Anyone that has not received a confirmation email will not be on the event attendance list and therefore will not be admitted to the event.

Privacy notice: VMA is concerned with the protection of your privacy. We support the privacy principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), as amended. VMA collects and stores your personal information for the purposes of providing membership services, education and training programs. Here is how your data may be used:

  • Communication from VMA: VMA may use your details to promote products and services in the form of email communications and/or other types of communication. Email if you would prefer not to receive communications from VMA.
  • For the purposes of the event: Your details will be provided to parties directly related to the event including the event registration manager, venues and accommodation providers for the purpose of room bookings, catering needs and other event options.
  • Communication from third parties: Event sponsors and exhibitors may be provided with attendee details following the event. There is an ‘opt out’ option on the registration form should you not wish for your details to be shared with the event sponsors and exhibitors. Alternatively contact to opt out.
  • View VMA’s full VMA Privacy Policy.

Program: VMA reserves the right to change the program at any time. Every effort will be made to ensure a program of equivalent standard.

Registration Notice: VMA Member registration rates are not transferable to non-VMA Members, except as agreed by the VMA and this may incur an additional payment to reflect the non-member rate. By selecting a member registration rate, it is agreed that the registrant is a current financial member of VMA and that the registration is made in the VMA Member’s name only. A breach of this may result in a cancellation of an event registration and/or VMA membership.

Registration and Payment: Payment in full is required by the event date in order to attend.

Sharing registrations: One registration may not be utilised by several individuals.

Smoking: Smoking of all kind, including vaporized tobacco, is prohibited in any event space.

Substitutions: Should a registrant be unable to attend, they may send one substitute in their place. VMA must agree to all substitutions prior to the event. Refer to ‘Registration Notice’ above.

Student Code of Conduct

It is the expectation of the IVSS Committee that all students will abide by a Code of Conduct that encourages respect and dignity of each individual and will allow students to learn in a supportive and stimulating environment. We believe that students, Instructors, staff and volunteers have the right to attend the school which is free from harassment, bullying and intimidation.

The following types of conduct are prohibited at the IVSS and may lead to disciplinary action, including the possible removal from the school.

  • Discriminatory behaviour with regard to race, religion, colour, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability or any other legally protected classification.
  • Harassment, sexual or otherwise towards other students, Instructors or staff.

Harassment may involve inappropriate actions, behaviour, comments or physical contact that is objectionable or causes offence. It is behaviour which makes people feel:

  • offended and humiliated, and/or
  • intimidated and frightened, and/or
  • uncomfortable

Sexual harassment includes but is not limited to unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances or propositions, verbal abuse of a sexual nature, verbal comments about an individual’s body, sexually degrading words used to describe an individual; or the display/use of sexually suggestive objects, pictures and/or jokes.

If an incident does occur please refer to the following VMA Policy and Procedure:

  • VMA Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace: Policy 3.1
  • VMA Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Resolution Procedure: Policy 3.2

The following types of conduct are also prohibited at the IVSS and may lead to disciplinary action, including the possible removal from the IVSS.

  • Reporting to classrooms under the influence of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs or the use, sale, dispensing or possession of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs at the school.
  • The use of profanity or abusive language.
  • The possession of firearms or other weapons on the premises.
  • Fighting or assault.
  • Theft, destruction, defacement, or misuse of the premise’s property or of any individual at the school or on the premises.

Commitment to Learning

The IVSS provides an adult learning environment.  It is your responsibility to act in a way that does not interfere, directly or indirectly, with the learning of other students or obstruct staff from carrying out their duties.

Students are expected to:

  • Attend all classes; 100% classroom attendance is a prerequisite for students to be awarded with the Graduation Certificate. All students must have 100% classroom attendance, pass the multiple choice exam and complete all in-class activities;
  • arrive on time, and remain in the class for the duration of the session;
  • participate actively and positively in learning and activities; and
  • engage in safe and co-operative behaviour.

Respect for Others

All students have a right to expect a safe and enjoyable learning environment so that they can perform to the best of their ability.  This means:

  • Treat others with courtesy, consideration and sensitivity;
  • respect lawful beliefs and customs of others;
  • communicate with appropriate language;
  • respect the safety, well-being and property of others; and
  • follow the reasonable instruction of Instructors and Staff.

Unacceptable Behaviour

Unacceptable behavior is any conduct which disrupts others and hinders Instructors and Staff from delivering education, training and other services in an orderly manner.  Any individual or group behavior which is abusive, indecent, violent, unruly, disorderly, dangerous, offensive, or which unreasonably disturbs others may be considered unacceptable and result in disciplinary action.  This applies not only in classrooms, but in all VMA organised activities.

Student Obligations & Responsibilities


It is a requirement that all students stay at the nominated location of the IVSS for the entire week. It is not acceptable to leave at any time except under exceptional circumstances (work commitments are not an exceptional circumstance). A 100% classroom attendance is a prerequisite for students to be awarded with the Graduation Certificate. Students must attend all classes and discussion groups, pass the exam and complete in-class activities.

Partners and families

Students are not permitted to have partners or family members staying with them during the course of the IVSS.

Classroom Sessions

The curriculum consists of a number of classroom sessions from Sunday to Thursday of the nominated week. It is essential each session commences and finishes on time. Please make sure you arrive on time for classes.


It is your responsibility, as a mature student, to attend class appropriately attired. Dress for classroom activities is casual. The weather will be cool/mild, with temperatures ranging from around 8 – 18 degrees. The classroom is air-conditioned and we recommend bringing coat/jacket. Hats are not to be worn in class. On Thursday night at the Graduation Dinner, men are to wear a jacket and tie, and women cocktail attire.


Classrooms, restaurants, meeting places and bedrooms are all smoke free zones.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are not to be used in the classrooms unless relevant to that session.

Additional Costs

If you have selected with Accommodation, the registration fee covers accommodation for 5 nights (Sunday to Thursday) and includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and morning and afternoon teas. Telephone calls, use of hotel activities, mini-bar, purchases at the bar, flights, transfers and any other incidental costs are your own responsibility.

Student Support

Any queries please contact Suzie Crawford, our Education Manager. You can reach her at or 0437 827 228.

Breast Feeding Policy

Policy Statement

IVSS is sensitive to the needs of students who wish to breastfeed their child whilst studying at IVSS. In this context, the IVSS acknowledges the importance of breastfeeding for both mother and baby, and supports women who wish to combine breastfeeding whilst studying at IVSS.

Application of Policy

  • IVSS requires students to attend all designated classes and official IVSS events to complete the course successfully, and as such, the IVSS acknowledges that mothers may require familial support to enable breastfeeding to continue during the IVSS. In this case, IVSS will allow a student to bring a support person with them to the School. Note, it is not appropriate for the support person or baby to attend any classes or official IVSS events.
  • IVSS in seeking to eliminate any direct or indirect discrimination on the grounds of breastfeeding and will work directly with each individual to develop the most suitable access to classes and official activities.
  • All financial costs of the support person and baby are to be borne by the student or support person.


Suzie Crawford | Education Manager | Venue Management Association | 1300 001 862

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