Insights from a VMS Graduate: A Conversation with Jay Mejica AVM

Sep 25, 2024Blog, Member News, Venue Management School

We recently caught up with Jay Mejica AVM, the Event Services Manager at the Darwin Convention Centre and a proud graduate of the Venue Management School (VMS). With a wealth of experience in venue management, Jay shared valuable insights for those considering enrolling in Year 1 or returning for Year 2 of VMS. If you’re looking to make the most out of your VMS experience, or are unsure about enrolling, read on for some great tips and advice based on Jay’s own journey.

Jay’s Journey: From Catering Attendant to Event Services Manager

Can you introduce yourself and share a bit about your background in the venue management industry?

With over a decade of experience at the Darwin Convention Centre, I’ve had the opportunity to progress through a range of roles, each building my expertise in managing diverse events and coordinating multi-department teams. I began my career as a Catering Attendant, moving through positions such as Team Leader, Banquet Supervisor, Bump In Manager, Banquet Manager, and Senior Event Planner. Today, I serve as the Event Services Manager, where I oversee all front-of-house operations and ensure that our teams maintain high standards across every event.

Having worked my way through various roles, I’ve gained a deep understanding of how our venue operates on a daily basis. This experience has been invaluable, giving me insight into the inner workings of the venue, allowing me to make informed decisions that balance both operational needs and client expectations.


Year 1: Successful Networking, Balancing Workload and Embracing the Unexpected

What tips can you share for effective networking during the first year at VMS?

Networking in your first year at VMS is all about building meaningful connections. My advice would be to approach it with an open mind and genuine curiosity. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek advice from experienced venue managers or peers. The relationships you build during VMS can provide long-term support and valuable insights into the industry. Also, be proactive in attending events or workshops where you can engage with fellow professionals and learn about their experiences.

A practical tip: always follow up after meeting someone. Whether through email or LinkedIn, maintaining those connections can be as important as making them.


How did you manage the workload, and what advice do you have for new students on balancing their responsibilities?

For new students, I highly recommend creating a structured schedule to track tasks and deadlines. Set achievable goals for each day, and make sure to carve out time for rest—it’s essential for maintaining your focus and energy. Personally, I always keep a notebook with me to jot down priorities and organise my tasks. This simple habit keeps me on top of what needs to be done next and helps me stay focused on what truly matters.


Looking back, what is one piece of advice you wish you had received before starting VMS that would have helped you succeed, that you would like to pass on to incoming students?

I wish someone had told me to embrace the uncertainty and the constant learning process. In venue management, things don’t always go as planned, and flexibility is key. So, my advice is to lean into the unexpected and treat every challenge as an opportunity to grow. Being adaptable and learning to pivot quickly when things change will help you stay calm under pressure, which is essential in this industry.

Year 2: Diving Into Industry Issues, Advanced Learning and Practical Tips for Success

Can you explain the Town Hall experience and how it differs from what students encounter in Year 1?

The Town Hall experience in Year 2 is unique in that it allows students to delve into the current issues facing the venue management industry. Unlike Year 1, which is more foundational, the Town Hall provides the opportunity to engage in deep discussions with other venue managers and colleagues about the real-world challenges we face. It’s not just about learning; it’s about problem-solving and sharing insights on why certain practices exist and how we can improve them. It’s a collaborative environment that encourages critical thinking and open dialogue.


How does the focus of the subject matter evolve from Year 1 to Year 2?

In Year 1, the focus is more on the fundamentals—understanding the core aspects of venue management, event planning, and operational procedures. By Year 2, the subject matter becomes more specialised. You’ll find yourself exploring more complex topics like risk management, financial planning, and industry-specific trends. It’s a natural progression from learning the basics to applying them in a more strategic way.


What advice would you give to returning students who want to maximise their learning experience in Year 2?

Make Year 2 about active participation. Don’t just absorb information—apply it. Engage with the case studies, take part in discussions, and seek out opportunities to challenge your understanding. The more you interact with your peers and instructors, the more you’ll gain from the experience. Also, use this year to start thinking about how you’ll implement what you’re learning in your current or future roles. Take every chance to connect what you’re learning to real-world applications.


Bringing VMS to Your Role: The Long-Term Impact

Lastly, how has attending the School influenced the way you approach your current role?

Attending VMS has fundamentally changed how I approach my role at the Darwin Convention Centre. In Year 1, I entered with practical experience but soon realised how much I could enhance my decision-making by integrating evidence-based strategies into my work. Now, when I approach challenges—whether operational or logistical—I combine my hands-on knowledge with the frameworks I learned at VMS to create more effective solutions. It’s also shifted my mindset to be more open and flexible, which is essential when dealing with the varying needs of clients.

Enrol Now: Build Your Future with VMS

As spots for Year 2 are nearly sold out, now is the perfect time to secure your place at this year’s VMS, held from 10-15 November 2024.

After hearing Jay’s take on the program, you now have a glimpse into how VMS can help shape your career in venue management. Whether it’s mastering networking in Year 1 or navigating complex industry issues in Year 2, Jay’s experience offers invaluable guidance to help you make the most of your time at VMS.

Now that you’ve got Jay’s insights in your toolkit, take the next step to elevate your career. Secure your spot at VMS 2024 and start building your future today — click here to enrol now.

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