Becoming an Accredited Venue Manager (AVM): A Personal and Professional Transformation

Jul 2, 2024Blog, Member News

Are you a seasoned venue industry professional?

Are you looking for ways to take your career to the next level?

If the answer is yes to one or both of those questions, then we invite you to explore our Accredited Venue Manager (AVM) Certification program. This prestigious certification is your pathway to gaining industry recognition and advancing your professional standing.

The Personal Experience of Becoming an AVM

Achieving the AVM Certification is more than just earning a title—it’s a journey of personal and professional growth. Amal Davis AVM, Senior Director at Events ACT, who received his AVM earlier this year, shares his transformative experience:

“The Accredited Venue Manager (AVM) process is an invaluable journey of professional growth and achievement. This program symbolises a commitment to excellence in venue management, reflecting the culmination of years of dedication to this dynamic industry.

The process was smooth and straightforward, affording ample time to fulfil the necessary requirements, and showcase my skills and experience in venue management. The support offered by the VMA team added to the overall simplicity of this experience.

Achieving the AVM designation demonstrates my unwavering pursuit of knowledge and expertise, learning, and experience. It signifies that I’ve met the requirements, not only in terms of qualifications but also as a leader and problem solver in the field.

The AVM from the Venue Management Association, to me, represents more than just a title; it’s a testament to my passion for creating unforgettable experiences for patrons and artists, as well as my devotion to the continual advancement of the venue management profession. This achievement serves as a reminder of the boundless potential for growth in this field, the time and energy put into my growth by my peers and other venue management professionals and motivates me to keep pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in the world of venue management.

To anyone contemplating pursuing their AVM, I would strongly recommend considering it, as the process is uncomplicated, clear-cut, and serves as a valuable recognition of the dedicated professionals in our remarkable industry.”

L: Megan Pottie AVM & Amal Davis AVM


Why Pursue the AVM Certification?

By becoming an AVM, you gain a respected designation that sets you apart as a highly skilled and knowledgeable professional in the venue management industry. This certification is a testament to your dedication and expertise, earning you respect and recognition from peers and employers alike. The AVM Certification opens doors to new career opportunities and advancement within the industry, showcasing your commitment to professional growth as Amal notes, and positioning you as a top candidate for leadership roles.

Start Your Journey Today

Are you ready to join the elite and gain recognition for your industry experience and skills? Find out more about how you can become an Accredited Venue Manager in 2024, click here to take our quick self-assessment and begin your AVM journey today.

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